Friday, December 09, 2005

Most Boring Week Ever...

It's been a slow news week for State fans. Sure, there have been a couple new "verbals" in football recruiting, some potentially quality players, but nothing to scream from the roof tops about.

Lulls in on-the-field news always seem to be broken by negative news. As such, there's a rumor circling the message board circuit about a football coach (hasn't made it to print yet, or it's completely made up - I guess we'll all know soon enough) and Jonathan Lowe has left the team.

We'll miss Lowe for his 73 yard return for a touchdown against Florida in 2004, but our stress will be lower next season not having to worry about his typical 2005 adventures in punt returning. I do wish him luck wherever he goes though as he seems like a solid student athlete. Lowe won't be the last player to exit either, Croom has to cut about 5 more scholarships in order to have room to bring in 25 players next fall.

And it should be interesting to see who suits up for the basketball game tomorrow against Troy. Did Sharpe make his grades and will Slater and Delk be back from injury?

This also makes me wonder how the hell I'm going to be able to find any decent content during the summer.


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